
Animals Voice Romania, Thriving Animals, Bumbac Alina Florentina: Suspected fraud

Dear animal welfare supporters everywhere, a warning: I used to donate monthly to a supposed organization called Animals Voice Romania (previously Chancy Pet, now Thriving Animals... why does the name keep changing? Read on.) It is headed by a woman who goes by Bumbac Alina Florentina.  I eventually came to suspect that this "organization" doesn't really exist and BAF is a fraud, a thief, and I stopped donating.  THIS IS ONLY MY PERSONAL OPINION. If you think she's legit and want to donate, that is certainly your choice.  I don't have 100 percent proof (I have not flown to Romania to check it out myself.)  However I recently saw Facebook posts -- which have since been removed -- on BAF's NEW organization's Facebook page "Thriving Animals" regarding some English animal welfare organization investigating her, and, given her defensiveness and "I refuse to answer any more questions", presumably finding she is a fraud.  Interesting t
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